Welcome to Noah’s Poetry Club


Crean Lutheran High School :

A Literature & Art Magazine (2024)

table of Contents

Spes Fiduciae

By Noah Lee ’26

(Editors) The poem “Spes Fiduciae” meditates on the meaning of hope to different people, while alluding to our common hope in Christ.


By Noah Lee

2020-21 CA PTA Refections Winner :

Theme : “I matter because.”

1st Place Literature Middle School.

(Noah) Literature is a way of communicating to people. In this poem, I used symbolism and metaphors to help the reader more visualize what I was trying to say, and to relate it to other things. The purpose of writing this poem was to communicate to others why they matter. When people are depressed or sad, they can see all the reasons why they matter in the world. Showing the reasons why me, one person in a multi-billion population, matters in the world.

Water Music A Small Light of Hope

by Noah Lee by Noah Lee

Noah’s Poetry Club

Please click the link below to view photos of his class.